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Living Mindfully Spring Retreat

April 24 - April 27

Living Mindfully Retreat with John Bruna
April 24th – 27th, 2025
Attend in person or online!

“Mindfulness is much more than present moment awareness; mindfulness includes and facilitates the cultivation of concentration, wisdom, and the ability to make healthy choices that foster genuine happiness and a meaningful life.”— John Bruna

This retreat with our co-founder, John Bruna, is hosted by the Way of Compassion Foundation. The focus of the retreat will be developing the skills of living mindfully to engage in our lives in ways that reduce stress, develop resiliency, greater degrees of self-worth, and cultivate more joy. Though based in Buddhist teachings, these practices are taught in universal language honoring and enhancing each person’s spiritual tradition and/or philosophy. Essentially, these are skills to help one live a life they find meaningful and fulfilling.

John Bruna

The retreat format will include teachings, meditation, discussion, and personal time. The first half of the day will be dedicated to meditation practice. There will be silence until lunch and multiple meditation sessions of 24 minutes with breaks. The afternoons and evenings will include some meditation, discussions, question-and-answer periods, and time to connect with others.

As mentioned above, the retreat will be facilitated by John Bruna. John has a particular gift for making these valuable teachings accessible and practical for our modern lifestyles. All of his teachings focus on preparing students to properly engage in authentic practice in ways that are effective and meaningful to them. He is known for his warmth and humor, as well as practicality.

Retreat Details

Hosted by the Way of Compassion Foundation

Dates: April 24–27, 2025

Register:  Register using the buttons below.

To register to attend online, make a donation of any amount – click here.

Shared room/shared bath $545
Private room/shared bath $595
Private room/private bath $645

To register for a shared room/shared bath, click here.
To register for a private room/shared bath, click here.
To register for a private room/private bath, Sold out.

The price for the retreat is all-inclusive for the retreat, lodging, and meals. It is not tax-deductible. You may make a donation for the teaching if you would like. We are a traditional center, so all of our teachings are offered freely on a donation basis. You may offer any amount as a tax-deductible donation, either in advance or at the teaching. The retreat payment covers our costs to pay for the retreat center and run the retreat. Your donation beyond the registration payment supports our center.

Cancelation Policy:

Cancelations before March 1st: Refund minus $75
Cancelations between March 1st and April 1st: 50% refund
Cancelations after April 1st: No refund

Traveling to the retreat: Here are detailed Directions to Blazing Mountain Retreat Center.

Questions? Email, [email protected], or call (970) 704-5512.

To see a video tour of the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center, click here.


Tentative Retreat Schedule
All times are Mountain Standard Time, USA


3:00 pm – 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm: Check in.
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm: Opening Session


Friday and Saturday

8:00 am: Breakfast
9:30 am – 11:30 am: Morning Session/Meditation
12:30 am: Lunch
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm: Afternoon Sessions
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm: Evening Session/Meditation


7:00 am: Morning Meditation
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am – 10:30 am: Final Session


April 24
April 27